Free to use
Sign up and use NoteTin absolutely free. No credit card required, and better still - no third party adverts!
Save and hide notes
Create notes and lists for any use; From a house moving to-do list, to just today's shopping list.
Encrypted notes
Use our key based cyphers to securely encrypt your notes. Your notes are useless without a key.
Code and markup
Easily save your snippets of code and markup files. Save CSS, JavaScript, PHP, HTML, C#, etc.
Web addresses
Got a list of website URLs to hide from everything and everyone? Create private bookmarks lists.
Share your notes
Easily show your friend that awesome C# code you just wrote! Create public URLs for your notes.
Any device
Designed for the mobile world - access your notes from any device (with an internet connection).
Anywhere, any time.
On-demand notes and bookmarks, on any device - anywhere.
Mobile users* can access their notes and bookmarks on the go. Desktop, laptop, tablet, phone. NoteTin is designed to work on everything.
* Modern touch screen devices.
All communication to NoteTin is over SSL/HTTPS to our lightweight custom application sitting on security hardened hosting. Perfect for:
- A list of password reminders
- A secret list of Birthday or Christmas presents
- To-do lists you don't want others to see
Free to sign up
It's free and easy to create an account and make your first note or bookmark folder.
- 100% free
- Create up to 20 private note pages
- Share public notes with friends or family
- Store 50 private web addresses